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Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Columbia Heights City Councils, with COPAL MN and the Consulate of Ecuador, passed a Resolution callging on Federal officials to designate Ecuador for TPS

The Minneapolis, St. Paul City, and Columbia Heights City Councils, in collaboration with COPAL MN and the Consulate of Ecuador, are joining forces to host a press conference emphasizing the significance of unity in supporting a policy resolution. During the event, civic leaders will shed light on the potential implications of granting Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to recent immigrant arrivals in Minneapolis, underscoring the importance of humanitarian aid and solidarity in safeguarding vulnerable communities.  

The resolution calls upon the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to designate Ecuador for Temporary Protected Status. It also calls upon President Joe Biden, Senator Tina Smith, and Senator Amy Klobuchar to support the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ecuador, so that Ecuadorian nationals who are currently in the United States may receive this form of temporary immigration relief. 

What: City officials have voted on a resolution calling on the Department of Homeland Security and Federal officials to designate Ecuador for Temporary Protected Status. 

When: Wednesday, May 29th at 11:00am 

Where? Centro de Trabajadores Primero de Mayo, 3521 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55406 and livestream

Who: Council Member Jason Chavez, Council Member HwaJeong Kim, Council Member Rachael James, COPAL MN, and the Consulate of Ecuador 

COPAL Education Fund is a statewide, 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization that works to build collective power, transform systems, and create opportunities for Latines to have dignified lives in Minnesota. For more information, please visit

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